Quirky Poetry

On this page:

The Discovery of Sound!
Bark, Bach and Offenbach!
Eating Out
The Bumble Bee
The Pedantic Poet
The Psychotherapist

The Discovery of Sound!
(with apologies to Ms. Green)
They found some sound made in 1860,

before Edison invented the phonograph.
Sounds made on scratchy paper.

Someone singing “Clair de Lune”,

out of tune,
as it happened.

They played it on the 8 o clock news.
A truly momentous moment –

hysterically speaking!

Bark, Bach and Offenbach!

My Dogs often Bach
when they hear a Bach symphony,
and they often bark to Offenbach.
But can they Can-Can to Offenbach?

And did Offenbach have a dog?
And if he did, how often did he bark?
(the dog that is, not Offenbach –
I don’t suppose he barked at all!)
Well, maybe occasionally!

And what of Bach?
I bet he had a cat!

Eating out.

Have you heard the latest news?
Everyone has got their views,
on the latest eating place,
replacing what was such disgrace.

From ghastly pub
to Gastro Pub,
a new exciting
social hub,
where glitterati meet to eat
(usually romantically),
their egos bumping

They’re the coolest cool,
which makes us drool.
And if you look
you cannot miss
that special, empty,
famous kiss.
Just made for people
such as this.

The champagne flows
and the owner knows
just how much his
income grows,
as each exotic course appears
from smooth head waiter
of tender years,
surrounded by his entourage
of ladies with bold

And if you’re feeling
very hip,
the smooth head waiter
loves a tip,
so a twenty in his
pocket slip
and you will have him
in your grip!

And all in the name
of exquisite pleasure.
So savour the flavour
at your leisure,
then the memory will
be your treasure.
And it’s yours
for a lifetime
in full measure.

(Blame it on Jamie!)

It just seems to slip through our fingers.
For example:
If I want to cook some
carrots with thyme in them
in time for dinner I find....

I have no time to get thyme,
so I must find time to get thyme.
But I cannot buy time to buy thyme
because no one can sell me time,
even though they can sell me thyme.

Sometimes I have so little time.
There was no time before time,
but time after time
I find no time, after time.

Even if sometimes
I find some time,
in no time at all
I find I have no time at all.

Sometimes, some time
is available to me.
If I am in time to make
best use of that time.

I think I am running out of time,
but I am just in time to finish this rhyme.

So thank you for finding time
to read my thoughts on time.
I hope you will still
be in good time
for whatever you need
to be in time for next.

So until the next time,
let us bide our time.


Ego must go,
weighs me down so.
Ergo, held low.

Ego blocks me.
Make friends?
Stops me.

Break free?
Can’t do.
Binds me,
binds you.

Eager to fly,
let go – ride high.

Let go, ego.
Ergo, flow so,
swim in life’s flow.

Hope so!



as thyme passes,
for I have
such violet feelings
for you, my sweet rose.
I hope our love will blossom,
for you have tulips I’d love to kiss.
I canna conceive of life without you,
and however you treat me
in love with you.

I know you love sweet William,
but he is such a pansy
and I’m cyclamen that
keep pursuing you.
I will buy you
the finest fur foxgloves.
Please don’t leave me with a
bleeding heart.
You are a shooting star.
You are my morning glory,
you foxtail-lily you!
Why can’t you be a good girl
and become my little primrose.

When the snowdrop,
I do freesia in my lonely room.
Especially when I see all
the men that phlox to your door.
Don’t cause me to rue the day
I met you, or force me to say
goodbye to you
and hyacinth or daisy.
For I’d go completely lupin
without you.

Perhaps I should just be like narcissus
and fall in love with myself!


In a sense,
innocence is lost on
the innocent.

For if they are
truly innocent,
how can they possibly
know it?

The Bumble Bee.

How humble be
the bumble bee.
No stumble he,
nor tumble he
and naught can ever
rumble he.

He will not crumble he;
the bumble bee.
Nor live in jumble.
He is such a very
ordered bee,
the humble
bumble bee.

You will not hear
him grumble he,
the bumble bee.
If only we could be
as gracious as
the humble
bumble bee.

If only we could be
as busy as the
humble bumble bee.
It’s clear to see
we’d have such glee
as much as he,
the humble, humble
bumble bee.

To be
or not to be
a humble bumble bee?
A question he can answer
see I be a
humble bumble bee.

The Pedantic Poet!

I am a writer
who takes great care
with every piece of
verse I share.

Being precise
is my little vice,
and I rehearse each verse
for rhyme and time.
Does it scan?
Does it flow?
That’s what my readers
want to know.

And if for fun
I include a pun,
will they inevitably shun
if it’s not exact
in how it’s done?

For if it’s not in pentameter
it looks so amateur,
so I cannot let it be.
For grammar is all
and I don’t want to appal
the high up

So does each syllable sing,
with rhythmical ring,
if not, its such a
pititable thing.

And what of content?
Who really cares?
As long as it rhymes
in metre sublime
and scans and flows
as I boastfully show
my knowledge of verse.

How very perverse!

The Psychotherapist.

This is the tale
of a boy found in jail,
who they thought was
in need of assistance.
He’d seen shrinks before
who had opened the door,
but had never gone the full distance.

So kind Mr Brown,
who worked up in town,
said he would treat him for free.
Cause the boy was so poor
he had nothing in store
and nor did the authority.

So he quizzed the boy closely,
(who always seemed ghostly)
for the pain he’d been hiding for years.
So after much probing
and mental exploding,
the young man broke down into tears.

Then the lad started laughing,
for he’d been photographing
all these scenes in his mind for years.
Then the thought of his brother
and psychotic mother,
released all his terrible fears.

So the therapist stood at the brink of his hell
and saw all the torment inside.
And only he alone
could tell
whether the young lad had died.

The cure it was grim.
How long would it take
this leap into the unknown?
And just whose mind was it going to break.
The seeds of destruction were sown.

So the therapist sat and reflected on that
and all the impossible chatter.
But he cured the boy
and gave him his joy.
But he is now mad as a hatter.